The geostationary meteorological satellite of japan meteorological agency 日本气象厅地球同步气象卫星
Japan meteorological agency , jma 日本气象厅
Hourly rainfall information , derived from the japan meteorological agency 目前采取的分析方案是三维最优插值法。从日本气象厅
Information based on forecasts provided by tanzania meteorological agency 资料基于坦桑尼亚气象部门" tanzania meteorological agency "提供的天气预测
Numerical weather prediction products are also routinely obtained from the japan meteorological agency 此外,天文台亦定时收取日本气象厅的数值天气预报产品。
Numerical weather prediction products are also routinely obtained from the japan meteorological agency ( jma ) 此外,天文台亦定时收取日本气象厅的数值天气预报产品。
The image was originally captured by the geostationary meteorological satellite gms - 5 of japan meteorological agency 以上卫星云图接收自日本气象厅地球同步气象卫星( gms - 5 ) 。
The images were originally captured by multi - functional transport satellite - 1r mtsat - 1r of japan meteorological agency 任何人士欲将上述卫星图片发放,请先向日本气象厅申请。
The cloud imagery was originally captured with the geostationary meteorological satellite gms - 5 of japan meteorological agency 此卫星云图接收自日本气象厅的地球同步气象卫星gms - 5